الأحد، 12 نوفمبر 2017

How do you live your normal life and begin to isolate technology?

With the increasing technological invasion of our world, the term isolation of technology has been put on the table as an option to return to normal social life. A new addiction invades our world is technology, it has become the biggest killer of time in our time and the long-term viewing of electronic screens tired to the eyes too, and its presence made most of us a social laziness of communication directly with those we love or like to become our most social social behind the screens and only Increased the gap between us. The influence of these means on our children also made their minds confined within fictional virtual worlds or imaginary drawings which affected their natural composition and made them unable to speak in reality. It is true that technology is very important in our lives, but like anything else in existence, it causes many damage. People and companies are always urging us to use technology, but not to try to isolate technology. It is a step that is not simple and requires strong will. You need to follow some steps that will help you isolate technology and try your life for a short time without it. Here are some things to help you.
Keep them out of the reach of the most important steps isolation from technology is to allocate a room for your means of technology from your laptop and mobile phone office room as an example do not use these means only if you are in the room but if you decide to sit with your family will be without or if you are cooking, you also do not You need these tools; because their presence is only distraction and distraction so that your children can play sports or play with friends, which helps them change and helps them to form a better sports body than the impact of virtual worlds on the screens. To the afternoon If you can not isolate the technology for long periods at least make yourself a fixed base that you will not hold or sit on your computer before noon. Where your e-mail and messages can wait for the afternoon after you have taken all your important food and gave your family the right to near you and talk to you and discuss the problems of your children face to face. - Advertisements - Make your sleep full Distance all the technology for your hearing and in the room you want to sleep in order to enjoy a healthy and natural sleep completely; studies have shown that people who have seven hours of sleep are less prone to pressure and anxiety and health more. The isolation of technology gives yourself and your body an opportunity to grow better and to have the opportunity to think realistically pure away from the influence of electronics. - Ads - read the best ways to isolate technology It is time to hold books and novels to read, not an electronic copy but a hard copy to feel the pleasure of reading the truth as you touch the paper in your hand and live the novel with your mind. Try to read in all the areas you care about and make the library part of your day to visit and see the books. Do whatever you want from us, do not take the decision to arrange his room or office or wardrobe and take the decision and then left as if not, now is the time to take the decision to isolate the technology and go to arrange everything you want to arrange and restore activity and let laziness and sit behind television or computer. Go to a club and play a sport that you love playing tennis, swimming or playing football instead of playing it on your mobile phone. It is time to exercise with your body and move the stagnant blood balls in your body from frequent sitting and an opportunity to meet real people rather than in the game. Invite friends instead of talking to them via email Pick up your phone and call them to invite them to a barbeque party and share the conversation but face to face without technology and to increase the friendliness and friendliness that no matter how you talk through the electronics will not convey and will not feel it.

Try to remove applications that give you or waste your time Facebook or Candy Crash or SABB WY even try for a short time and when you delete it you will find that at least if you have not isolated from the technology you limit. Take a journey with your family. We are busy with communication, television and technology. In general, the family is far apart. The bodies may still be close, but the minds and hearts are no longer the same as before. Let the whole family decide to isolate technology and go out together. Talk and think about the future of our children and solve the problems of the house. Go shopping. Shop online for a while and go shopping for yourself. Choose what you want for your home and home after you try it. Give yourself a chance to choose more and talk to people face to face instead of online communication. Learn the craft of the opportunity to isolate technology gives you time to learn a craft you like small whether carpentry or painting or blacksmith or any craft you like and want to experience. Go to them instead of congratulating or condoning someone through phone, email or social media Close all these devices and isolate technology and go to them and tell them everything you like face to face will be more sincere and more realistic and loving and will increase the proximity between you It will not be like other people who succumb to laziness and socialism. Like in the past, have you ever tried to write a letter to someone dear to your heart like your mother, wife, sister or father or even your friend instead of sending a text or electronic message that will have a different impact on their hearts as a kind of change and ignore technology a bit. But you may think that you are isolated from technology and shut your phone and go to a beach or a quiet place and take a rest and relax without reaching you a connection or message By email, just you and the sea are relaxing your eyes from little electronics. Repair your own home. Do not be free from the problems and problems caused by the children. We quickly resort to the phone to attend a specialist to fix it. But have we tried to do this ourselves if ever you tried to paint a room from your home room? Extract your talents and leave your phone and tablet and move your mind and body slightly. It is time to decide on isolation from technology and try any alternative from what you mentioned in the article or you create a new alternative provided that it has nothing to do with any technological means and know well that this is for your own benefit and if you can not completely isolate the technology can Stay away for a short time to relax your eyes and nerves from all those electronics emitted from all those means and give yourself and those around you the opportunity to reach your feelings of love or feelings of comfort instead of communicating through the media media and hide behind.

How do you have positive curiosity with a distance from what does not concern you?

Positive curiosity is a virtuous attribute if you know how to own it and exploit it in your favor, especially the scientific curiosity that makes man a person who is educated and aware of what is happening in the world, how do you acquire it? Positive curiosity is the passion to learn important and useful news and issues that lead to learning and educating. The word "curiosity" has many uses in Arabic, and it refers to two directions, the first negative and the second positive. It may mean passion, which does not mean the individual, such as curiosity to know the secrets and problems of others. Let us review together the most important features of positive curiosity and how to possess it, and away from negative curiosity and problems.
Positive curiosity is a virtuous attribute if you know how to own it and exploit it in your favor, especially the scientific curiosity that makes man a person who is educated and aware of what is happening in the world, how do you acquire it? Positive curiosity is the passion to learn important and useful news and issues that lead to learning and educating. The word "curiosity" has many uses in Arabic, and it refers to two directions, the first negative and the second positive. It may mean passion, which does not mean the individual, such as curiosity to know the secrets and problems of others. Let us review together the most important features of positive curiosity and how to possess it, and away from negative curiosity and problems.

Curiosity and intrusion We can half-negative curiosity as a snoop, and this will show the big difference between positive and negative curiosity. Because the passion to know what does not concern you is to intrude on the privacy of others. This is a major drawback and leads to problems and embarrassment. Knowing secrets is a great weight that you should not put on yourself. Curiosity is a harmless passion, and makes you a thinker, not a dictator. Human curiosity and chaos Chaos is often associated with positive curiosity in humans. Many studies have shown that some disorder produces curiosity to know things hidden from the eye, and thus produces new creativity and wonderful creative ideas. One of the most important tips to parents is to leave enough space and chaotic for the child to learn curiosity and research. Always ordered things and following the rules literally lead to a mind closed to itself, following the routine permanently produces ordinary ideas and not innovative. - Advertisements - examples of positive curiosity One of the most important examples I have spoken about positive curiosity in many interviews, was the great scientist Albert Einstein. "I do not have great talent or great intelligence, but I'm just curious and ask a lot," says Einstein. Indeed, when you look at Einstein's IQ, you'll find him ninth among the smartest in the world. His IQ reaches only 160. However, he has achieved far more important scientific achievements than the top eight combined. All because of positive curiosity. One of the positions that illustrate Einstein's curiosity was at a young age, when his father brought him a compass as a gift. Einstein grabbed her and began to ask what she was referring to! And how do you do it! What is magnetic field! And many other questions. He did not play or use them and enough, but preferred to know all that represents the compass and ask even if he did not find the answer in time. Examples are endless of scholars who have preferred curiosity and to seek for themselves the truth of the commitment to the crusts thrown by society. Including the world Galileo Galilei, who rejected the prevailing beliefs in his time about the rotation of the sun around the earth. He looked eagerly and developed from the telescope until he proved the truth. Including Dutchman Levon Hawk, who had great curiosity about the smallest things. After years of research, he was able to discover the microscope and see the various germs

Scientific curiosity Scientific curiosity is the desire to learn the mysteries of the universe, which begin with small questions. It is a permanent engine that does not rest within a person until he knows the truth of the information he is looking for. Whether in science, history, medicine or even politics. What is remarkable in this positive curiosity is that it builds knowledge on reason, logic and experience, not on superstitions or inherited oral beliefs. It is he who leads the scientists to discover facts about the universe that were not known, and even challenges old beliefs to modern evidence. The curiosity of positive curiosity Curiosity is the light that you notice on the face of the child when he discovered his world or part of it for the first time. The child does not rest until after opening all the drawers closed and discover every corner of the house, afraid of what he does not know and loves what he feels happy and alienate what will hate him. Curiosity is an instinct in which man is born, to develop from his world and to merge with him. Without that instinct, we would not have explored the possibilities of life, nor would we have discovered the beauty of the earth, and since we have moved into space. Unfortunately, that instinct is gradually reduced in most people. Because of the difficult routine life, the mind prefers to do what he knows in advance and stay comfortable. Because positive curiosity is tired of the mind, makes it into permanent thinking and constant research, stressful life does not fit those qualities. But a human can re-activate that redemptive instinct again. We can describe positive curiosity as an instinct in every living being. Even animals have a strong curiosity, otherwise they would not learn to fly or catch or discover areas that are good for migration. If you bring a can of dog or cat, you will notice how curious it is to know and touch that thing. - Advertisements - What is the importance of scientific curiosity may be solved, why you have to have positive curiosity and you are not a world, and you will not want to be a world? In fact, curiosity is not only the attribute of scientists or explorers, it is a virtuous and useful feature of any human being. Knowledge removes ignorance, no matter how simple or small. The means available today between our hands to search for truth in a case are not blasphemous. Just make sure they are trustworthy. And then start searching for any scientific, historical or literary information. Positive curiosity will make you cultured in many issues. If you have a medical problem you may know the solution and save yourself or someone from your family. Or if you sit with your friends and talk about politics, you will be a weighty person in the meeting. Ignorance also proves the beliefs and myths in your mind, unlike the science and knowledge that illuminates the mind and prevents your move behind every idea received on you. Curiosity will push you to know the true truth, and prevent your obedience to anyone who tries to lead your mind, and prevents the exploitation of others to ignorance. Positive curiosity also proves your belief in your true beliefs. Contrary to what others believe that many questions burdens man and distract him away from the real truth. The truth accepts skepticism because he does not fear it. When you look for the truth of all the things you believe in your life, you will either come out with a strong belief in the strength and truth of your beliefs and principles, or rid your mind of the superficial superficialities that the community and the ignorant are trying to give you. Having Positive Curiosity Follow these guidelines to awaken the instinct that time-defying you: Strongly believe in your mind Do not believe that your mind can not tolerate curiosity and can not explore what it wants. The human mind is very complex and performs countless functions. Understand that your mind is no more idle, needs some activity to remove the rust accumulated by time. It is capable of logical analysis, and able to absorb the information to understand and to conclude more questions and theories. Do not be shy about the slow ability to absorb at first and be steadfast on your curiosity, and do not accept the answer your mind does not accept

Learning how to learn positive curiosity is the first step in the path of knowledge. But the second most important step is how to learn what you want. Unfortunately, the school taught us that memorization and memorization is the only way to learn. Those who do not mastered conservation are stupid. Start reading about how to learn and research. Curiosity and passion with the right method, always bring you to the truth. Learn where to look until the positive curiosity is true You must know the right place to look. The question of the intellectuals is not enough, and the one source causes a lack of information. You must have many different sources, such as books, the Internet, documentaries and others. Most importantly make sure the scientific and academic sources are these. The source must enjoy the confidence of the scientific community, and all information based on proven experiences. Stay away from Wikipedia, for example, because it may have a lot of knowledge but most of it is not certain. Use Google Scholar on the Internet, or search among scientific books with the names of scholars or writers of great historians. Remember to make sure the information is up to date. The information may be correct according to the views of the scientists, but it has not become so at the present time. Finally, always doubt everything you hear or read, and go back to find the sure sources for each piece of information. And relied on your mind alone in determining the logic of information. Do not be shy from the many small questions your questions may seem very naive at first, due to your flawless ignorance. But do not be ashamed of them, who is ashamed and despised question will never reach the truth. Wait for the moment that draws your attention to new information while listening to a program or movie, and then navigate in this information to know the secrets of the whole subject. Try looking at the details. The positive curiosity is surprising in detail. Try not to be superficial in your information, do not take things to be axioms, but check the details of the subject to reach different dimensions and depth. Reward yourself for your curiosity if curiosity is an instinct, if it is enjoyable in itself. But you can reward yourself every time you succeed in accessing information. So stimulate your mind to enjoy the search next time to wait for the equivalent. Develop positive curiosity within your child Make sure that your child's curiosity can grow up or decrease through you. The development of curiosity does not mean the continuation of beautiful childish life. You can develop a child's desire for knowledge through innovative games that develop his intelligence. Such as building games or a small compass and go to the park for discovery. Do not ever suppress child's questions, no matter how boring or embarrassing. Being embarrassed by your child's question means you are in the process of delivering information in a way that suits his age. He taught him since childhood to read books because he nourished his spirit from childhood. Read with him a book suitable for his age to imitate you, and every year bring larger and more complex books. And finally you have to assure him that positive curiosity is the right path to knowledge and knowledge, even if his bike at school is not good. Positive curiosity in the work of constant research and exploration of everything that is new in the field of work, will put you on top. As long as you rely on your old knowledge and sit in an area that relaxes your mind, you will gradually find yourself descending towards the worst and losing your job, because the job market today does not stop when one is ever evolving. Improve your intermediate skills to make them a top skill. This is the opinion of experts on labor markets for the coming years, when artificial intelligence invades areas of work and limits the importance of man. Conclusion Curiosity is a basic and constant character in man. You may exploit them in your goodness or exploit them in what does not work and does not concern you. You are the one who determines where to put the effort and energy of that instinct. Build on positive curiosity in improving and developing your practical and cultural life.

How can a man make his wife's requests without procrastination?

There are several methods and ways to help achieve the wife's requests without being rejected by her husband, the woman must deal with her husband intelligently so that she can easily fulfill her wishes. Sometimes the wife's requests are met with a severe refusal from her husband's side, even with his ability to fulfill her demands. There are several possible reasons for this. The husband may be dissatisfied with the wife's multiple requests and often complain, or do not submit her demands in a suitable manner that encourages the husband to fulfill her request. Sometimes she can not choose the right time to talk to her husband about her demands and he has to refuse directly without giving any reasons or excuses.

The wife should not exaggerate in her requests and do not be strange requests so that her husband can achieve their requests, do not practice the pressure on him requests exaggerated and which do not allow the potential of the husband or his time, and sometimes the husband feels that the wife's requests are unnecessary and not in Need it causing him discomfort. The many requests of the wife and the many requests of the wife exhausting her husband physically and physically, and make him feel permanent frustration when he can not meet the requests of his wife, and worse when the wife is pressing in their requests this causes him a great inconvenience, for example, some women ask her husband to request, Family, or go with her to visit the doctor, and even with his consent, they continue to repeat the talk about it and remind him of her request, and the husband does not need to remind him every ten minutes, but enough once or twice so as not to feel the urgency of his wife and pressure. The woman should be careful when she asks for a request from her husband. She does not choose the times when her husband is engaged in a job or is preoccupied with watching his favorite program, so he is not expected to respond to the requests. The wife does not ask her husband to remove the garbage and he knows he is planning to do so. He feels that she is telling him what he should do. Choosing the appropriate method The wife should move away from the method of ordering exactly when she asks anything from her husband, and she should monitor the tone of her voice even if the way of speech is not peremptory, the tone of voice may be a little of the matter, which irritates the husband, and better that the woman ask her husband About the possibility of doing something, that is, he must feel that his wife chooses him if he is able to fulfill their requests and does not order him. Briefly, the wife believes that she has to justify to her husband the reason for her request, and she is keen to explain to him why he must fulfill her request to make sure that she is truthful in her need for his help and help. This makes the man unable to help his wife freely and may feel that she is manipulating his feelings, Therefore, she should not give reasons as far as possible and it is sufficient to request her husband directly if he is asked about the reason for this request. Direct method The husband does not like twisted and indirect methods in the wife's requests, he can not understand these methods, but he may understand them in the wrong way, which causes problems between spouses, for example when the wife hinting to her husband in her desire to come out and say to him we did not come out long ago, What the husband understands here is that he accuses him of neglecting him and the children and not caring about taking them out for a walk. Therefore, the wife should present her request directly without a hint. She tells her husband, for example, that we would like to take a walk.

The husband hates problems, disagreements and distraught at home, so when the wife asks something from her husband to be careful to keep calm and do not run and get angry if he does not respond to their requests, but try to convince him calmly and choose the appropriate methods To view its demands. The wife can present her idea in a way that makes her think that he is the owner of the idea, and that he wants this matter with his will and not because his wife asked for Of that. Despite the fact that this method is a traditional method, but it has proven successful throughout the ages, the man is the man despite his hardness and hardness, but he is like a small child, and he needs words of praise and praise and treatment and kind and attention, making him ready to provide everything you ask him Wife, and the wife should always be grateful and appreciated for what he offers them. Bargaining Some wives resort to bargaining with their husbands to respond to their requests in return for responding to their requests. If the husband does not reject this method, it can always be followed is one of the most successful ways. The husband is happy when the wife is able to make her husband live happily with her and bring him comfort in his home, he will only have to reciprocate the same, he needs the words of love and feelings always kind and romantic, and the wife can ask what she wants from her husband after a romantic night, The pair is at the top of happiness and is like a ring in his wife's finger. Finally, the wife's requests, however many or simple, require a special method to make the husband respond to her. The husband hates the method of pressure and urgency and hates to feel forced to do something, but the wife can intelligently make him feel that he is the master of decision. As for his desire, the wife should be polite in talking to her husband in a polite manner while keeping away from the blame and resentment. There are some words that the husband likes such as hope, please, thank you and others. However, the wife should also not exaggerate the requests and take into account the material condition of the husband Psychological and suffering problems and concerns, You must choose the right time for what you ask of her husband.